Quitting cigarettes with the help of food

There are some products that make it more difficult for you to quit smoking. The problem is that they increase the body’s acidity which flushes away the nicotine and that leads to the increased desire for smoking. Some of those products are: meat, entrails, dairy, eggs, lentil, peanuts and alcohol.

Most of the smokers aren’t aware of the importance of the diet. Having a healthy diet is important for each and every person, but especially smokers must be aware of that. Almost every nicotine addict has vitamin and mineral deficiency because smoking prevents their absorption. The most important ones to mention are deficiencies in vitamin D, calcium, vitamin C and E- all of which are known as powerful antioxidants or anti-carcinogenic agents. If you don’t want to feel the consequences of these vitamin deficits, you have to consume fruits and vegetables such as cabbage, paprika, carrots, oranges, lemons and seeds such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and flax seeds. It is preferable that you spend at least 15 minutes out in the sun, on a regular basis of course, so you could get an optimal amount of vitamin D.

Smokers require larger amounts of vitamin C than non-smokers – about 2000 mg a day, which is impossible to get just from food and you need to take supplements.

Tips for quitting smoking

If you have decided it’s best for you and your close ones to quit smoking, here are some helpful tips for your lifestyle changing journey. The first few days are the hardest, but it’s very important that you don’t quit even before you started.

  1. Drink 6-7 glasses of water a day. It will help you to flush away the nicotine faster.
  2. Do not consume vigorous alcoholic drinks, beer and wine. Avoid soft drinks, especially caffeinated ones.
  3. Stop drinking coffee or minimize it, so that you don’t feel the urge to light a cigarette.
  4. Avoid places which you have associated to smoking for a while.
  5. Enjoy hot baths or showers 2-3 times a day because smoking in the shower or bathtub is impracticable.
  6. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast.
  7. Avoid greasy and spicy food in the first few weeks, because people tend to smoke right after those kinds of meals.
  8. Drink yoghurt and eat sour cream.
  9. Increase the intake of vitamin B via oatmeal, whole wheat bread and brewer’s yeast- it will help you stay calm during the process of quitting.
  10. Try to spend the least time possible in your favorite armchair in front of the TV. Walk a few times during the day for a half an hour instead. It will help you forget about cigarettes and relieve tension.
  11. You can use some contemporary products like nicotine gums, nicotine patches or something else that your doctor prescribes you.
  12. Don’t forget the prayer. Ask God to give you faith and strength on a daily basis, listen to God’s advice: “Ask and you shall be given”. With God’s help, you will never fail.

Products that help quit smoking.
These foods alkalize your system: oatmeal, raisins, almonds, figs, spinach, mangold and dandelion. Alkaline food enables the nicotine to circle the system for a longer period of time therefore decreasing the smoking desire.

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