Everybody wants to postpone his aging, that is, the process of aging itself. Is that actually possible? Some experts believe that the answer lies in fruits, vegetables, green tea and a multitude of other foods rich with antioxidants and other substances that can potentially slow down aging.

Aging, as you know goes beyond wrinkles-memory loss, decreased brain function, increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer etc. Healthy aging is defined as a healthy, long life. Many studies show a link betweena healthy diet and aging-related chronic diseasesprevention. Acceptance of healthy lifestyles that include regular physical activity, adequate rest and sleep, avoiding smoking and healthy diet are the best defense against the inevitable aging.

The Effects of Antioxidants

Certain foods and beverages contain powerful substances called phytonutrients, which are considered by many as the key to longevity. Phytonutrients, members of the family of antioxidants, fight against so-called free radicals, molecules of oxygen which play a role in the onset of disease (heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease).

AS we age, we become more sensitive to the long-term effects of oxidative stress (a condition in which the body has too many free radicals) and inflammation on the cellular level. The theory says that antioxidants and other ingredients that defy the aging do help cells to repair the damage that free radicals make, and they reduce the process of aging.

Besides antioxidants, some other ingredients present in the food can affect the aging process. Experts say that they can be classified according to the way they affect the inflammation on the cellular level.

Healthy and Unhealthy Food

All types of food fall into three categories: pro-inflammatory- which affects the inflammation, neutral and anti-inflammatory.

You can slow down the aging on the cellular level by choosing food rich with antioxidants, one that hasanti-inflammatory properties: intensely colored fruits, vegetables, cold seasfish.

In contrast, saturated and trans-fatty acids, sugars and starch affect the aging and the inflammatory process.

Although the benefits of healthy diet are numerous, diet isn’t the only factor which affects the process of aging. Stress, hormones, UV radiation and weakened immune system can also contribute to aging.

What helps in Staying Young

The experts say that for maximal results we should eat all sorts of healthy food. In everyday life we should consume food that complements our health and decreases the aging process. For example:

  • Fruits and vegetables

-The Real source of antioxidants. In order to see the effects of fruits and vegetables, enjoy at least five portions a day.

  • Whole grains

-Provide solublefiber, which helps in lowering blood cholesterol levels. The phytonutrient   content of whole grains equals that of fruits and vegetables. Consume at least three servings a day.

  • Legumes

-Rich with nutrients, just like fruits and vegetables, but have low calories level. Eat three or four times per week.

  • Yogurt

-It has all the useful properties of dairy products and has probiotics that complement the good bacteria in the intestines. Drink yogurt with active cultures once a day.

  • Nuts

-Great source of vitamin B which is good for the heart and the brain. Healthy fats contained in nuts are useful for elastin and collagen in the skin and are beneficial in maintaining the skin elasticity and structure. Don’t overdo nuts and nutty food, since they are richwith calories.

  • Water

-Essential for skin hydration, muscles, blood circulation and practically all body organs. In addition to other fluids you consume, drink at least four glasses of pure water a day,

Here is a list of “superfood” with anti-inflammatory effect:

  • White and black onion, leek, shallot
  • Barley
  • Green leafed vegetables
  • Buckwheat
  • Hot pepper
  • Sprouts
  • Yogurt and kefir

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