Ginger and Honey for a Spring Boost

This is a simple Ayurvedic concoction of ginger and honey that you can make at home. It improves digestion, speeds up the detoxification of the organism, and cleans up and eliminates the mucus from the respiratory tract.

You can make a fresh drink every day by squeezing out the juice from a fresh ginger, and mixing it with honey.

Honey and Ginger are one of the best combinations for the treating respiratory disease- it helps with coughing problems, it dissolves the bronchial mucus and purifies the airways. It brings quick relief to people suffering from cough, sore throat, cold or runny nose. If you’ve had great problems with cold in the winter, this concoction will surely do you good.

This product is also useful for people with particular stomach weakness because it reduces and relieves nausea and vomiting. It is also a natural analgesic- it relieves headache, inflammation, arthritis –related swelling and pain, and it reduces the discomfort in the menstrual cycle.

It also reduces the chances of heart attack, stroke, and the chances of developing atherosclerosis. It helps the heart by relaxing the walls of the blood vessels, which contributes to the reduction of high blood pressure.

This tasty and fierce herbal aperitif also stimulates the appetite and digestion. Prolonged use will strengthen the stomach and the digestion organs. Usage of this concoction is particularly recommended if you are on a diet, or whilst doing body detox-it helps the metabolism and digestion, which as a rule slow down for the duration of these endeavors. It helps break down fat cells, while encouraging the body to eliminate waste matter and toxins faster.

The Preparation of Ginger and Honey

You need: one to two thumbs of fresh ginger root (depending on the juiciness), natural honey


Peel the ginger root, dice it and squeeze out the juice. Mix the fresh ginger ale and the honey in equal proportions. For example, if you have three tablespoons of juice add three tablespoons of honey. Stir it until the honey dissolves completely.

Drink the juice in small cups, half an hour before you eat.


If you like drinking it as a preventive medicine, you can use it daily: mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of ginger ale and consume in the morning or before lunch.

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