Drink Hot Water With Lemon?

Why Is It Good To Drink Hot Water With Lemon?

How you start your day is very important. Everyone should start the day by focusing on morning rituals that will encourage the alignment of the body with the natural rhythm, the balancing of the three elemental energies (air and space; fire and water and water and earth), as well as the strengthening of self-confidence and self-discipline.

Start the day with a cup of warm (not boiling) water and add half a squeezed lemon to it.

Here are the benefits of this morning ritual:

1. It improves the immune system Lemons are full of vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is excellent in fighting colds, while potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

2. Balances your pH Lemons are a highly alkaline food. They themselves contain acid, but in our body they act alkaline (acid from lemons does not create acidity in the body once it is processed in the body). An alkaline body is key to good health.

3. Helps to reduce weight Lemons are full of pectin fiber, which helps reduce hunger pangs. It has also been shown that people who practice a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.

4. It helps in the digestion of food Warm water stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract and peristalsis – the waves caused by muscle contractions in the intestinal walls that allow the processes to take place. Lemons and limes also have a high amount of minerals and vitamins that help rid the digestive tract of toxins.

5. Acts as a gentle natural diuretic Lemon juice helps expel unnecessary substances by stimulating more frequent urination. Toxins are thus expelled from the body faster and more often and maintain the health of the urinary tract.

6. It cleans the skin Vitamin C helps reduce wrinkles and skin spots. Lemon water removes toxins from the blood and thus keeps the skin clean.

7. Hydrates the lymphatic system As soon as you start the day with hydration, you normally prevent body dehydration and adrenal fatigue. When the body is dehydrated, it cannot perform all its functions properly, which leads to an increase in toxins, stress, hard stools, etc.

The adrenal glands are located on top of your kidneys and together with the thyroid, they create energy. They also secrete important hormones such as aldosterone. This hormone regulates water levels in the body and the concentration of minerals such as sodium, helping you stay hydrated. The adrenal glands also help regulate how you deal with stress.

If you start drinking this very useful potion, in a month your morning experience can look completely different and completely change your usual course of the day.

Also you can read it: Eating Garlic On An Empty Stomach – Simply just healthy

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