There are thousands species of ferns among which is the bracken.

Bracken is harvested in autumn. When the leaves are dry on the stalk, we take them off and after that fill a pillowcase.

Pillows filled with greenery leaves are the healthiest bed that you can wish for!

One can lay on it andfatigue disappears. Bugs, fleas and lice do not endure bracken and stay away from it. This bed cures spasms, tearing in the limbs, gout and stiffness, rheumatic cerebral pain and rheumatic toothache. The bracken’s root takes care of uncomfortable calf pain, that’s why you need to keep it near the bed sheets. Showering with leaves and roots cure gout, stiffness, and even gangrene.

Fresh bracken in pillow treats the loss of hearing caused by a cold and breeze. Obviously, the head needs to be covered. Fresh leaves of bracken attached to the forehead clear the eyes and get rid of flickering eyes. Dry bracken leaves inside shoes decreases exhaustion and keeps the feet warm.

Low back pain will be immediately cured with heaps of fresh bracken which is tied to the influenced area. The pain may be significantly stronger for a bit, but it will disappear soon!

For lower back pain, massage the area with hypericum oil.

In that manner, the tissue will be more flexible, elastic and supple. It’s more likely that a normal warm-up exercise will normalize it. Schnapps in which bracken root was soaked is an excellent agent for rubbing and massaging of gout and stiffness.

To rub sore limbs and burns or scald burns, bracken extract in homemade apple cider vinegar is an excellent medicine: Chop a bigger heap of bracken leaves and roots. Add 4 to 5 liters of homemade apple cider vinegar and soak for three days. Store it in jars and close it well. Bracken is poisonous and you should be cautious. It makes worms go away and even destroys tapeworms.

The patient should drink a cup of bracken tea on an empty stomach and not consume anything for another 2 hours. You might have to continue this for another 8 days until all the parasites are vanished.

Bracken influences the uterus, therefore pregnant women mustn’t take itnor lay down on it.

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