This drink which is warm, pleasant and tasty is extremely helpful for the spine. It rinses salt deposits and restores and restores the spinal lubricants. Additionally, it is useful for bone tissue, colon, nervous system and haematopoiesis ( formation of blood cell division and differentiation of stem cells in the bone marrow).

This magic drink- the golden milk normalizes the entire digestive system, positively affects the liver and helps in prolonging youth. Furthermore, it improves complexion and eliminates toxins from the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties and because of that it clears the skin, it is very helpful for joint pain, arthritis, muscle pain and many others. This drink is very popular in Russian alternative medicine. It is a combination of turmeric pasta and milk.

Recipe for the natural turmeric pasta:
  • 100-150 ml of water
  • 40 grams of turmeric powder

Take a pot and put the water and the turmeric powder into it. Boil the mixture for 8 minutes until the mixture becomes thick. Stir nonstop during the boiling process. The mixture should resemble a thick yogurt, so if it is too thick add little bit of water.

The turmeric pasta can be done in larger amounts and used a longer period. It preserves its properties for 40 days if kept in frozen state. When the pasta is done, add it spoon by spoon into hot milk (explained below).

Preparation of the milk
  • 250 ml milk
  • Little bit of honey
  • 2 table spoons or 40 ml of unrefined, almond oil

Put the milk in a pot and hit it on the stove. Then add the almond oil. It needs to be lukewarm, and when done, remove from the stove and pour it into a cup. Add 1 spoon of the previously prepared turmeric mixture. Finally, sweeten it with honey.

How to use it?

The Golden Milk is recommended to be consumed on empty stomach- in the morning and at bedtime. The whole treatment lasts 40 days and it could be done two times a year.

Due to the diuretic properties of the turmeric, this drink is not recommended for people who have problems with gall bladder.

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