One of the Swiss pharmaceutical companies started producing a new drug called: “The Qur’anic drug” which enables the treatment of poor vision in people without surgery.

As the newspaper Ar-Raya, published in Qatar: “This drug, which was compiled by an Egyptian doctor Abdul Basit Muhammad from the secretion of human sweat glands, has a success in 99% of cases without any unwanted consequences. The Qur’anic drug is registered in Europe and the United States. ”

It is also reported that one of the Swiss companies produces the drug in liquid form and drops.

Source of inspiration is surah Joseph. Dr Abdul Basit Muhammad emphasized that his inspiration received from surah Joseph and said, “One morning, while I taught surah Joseph, 84th verse drew my attention and the verses that follow”

And he turned away from them and said, “Oh, my sorrow over Joseph,” and his eyes became white from grief.
“Take this, my shirt, and put it over the face of my father, he will see again, bring me your families, all together! ”

“When the caravan left Misir, their father said: “Indeed, I find the smell of Joseph if you did not think me weakened in mind. ” They said, “By Allah, indeed you are in your old mistake.” And when the bearer of good tidings arrived, he cast it over his face, and he returned seeing. He said, “Did I not tell you that I know from Allah that which you do not know?” (Surah Yusuf, 93-96. Verse)

This over sorrow was the cause whiteness of the eyes and when later on a wretched eyes of Jacob put his shirt Jakob received his sight.

There I started to think. What could be in the shirt of Joseph?

Finally I came to the conclusion that it could not be anything else except sweat.

Then I started to think about the sweat and its composition. I went to the lab and I started with the research.
I performed a series of experiments on rabbits. The results were positive.
Later I performed treatment on 250 patients by administering the drug two weeks twice a day.

When I have achieved success in the 99% of cases, I said to myself: “This is the miracle of the Quran!”
Dr. Abdul Basti Muhammad presented the results of the relevant institutions in Europe and the United States dealing with patenting new inventions. After the rehearsal and the research conducted, entered into an agreement with the Swiss company, provided that on packaging of the drug clearly states “The Qur’anic cure”.

Swiss firm has accepted the request and started production of this drug.

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